5 Foods That Can Contribute to Skin Tags

 5 Foods That Can Contribute to Skin Tags

Did you know that your skin tags are directly caused by the food choices you make? There are certain foods you might be eating that could be the cause of your skin tags. A lot of people find that when they stop eating these foods or at least reduce them, the skin tags they've had for years will begin to shrink and even go away entirely. In this article, we will discuss five seemingly healthy foods in your diet that could be contributing to your skin tags.

Dried Fruit

Dried fruit is a food that many people think is a healthy snack, but it's anything but. Dried fruit is fruit that has had the moisture removed, resulting in a concentrated source of sugar with next to no nutrients. Skin tags are highly correlated with blood sugar issues. People who have frequent spikes in their blood sugar are more likely to have skin tags, which is why diabetics often have them. Frequent spikes in blood sugar lead to high insulin levels, and insulin is a growth hormone. When insulin is high, things in our body grow, including skin tags. To help reduce skin tags, it's important to reduce our spikes in blood sugar and lower our insulin. Avoiding dried fruit, which causes a big spike in blood sugar, can contribute to the reduction of skin tags.


Oatmeal is another food that many people think is healthy, especially for breakfast. However, oatmeal can cause skin tags, especially when eaten on an empty stomach. Although oatmeal is low in sugar, it contains a high amount of carbohydrates. When carbohydrates are consumed, they are broken down into sugar or glucose, which raises blood sugar levels. This increase in blood sugar triggers the release of insulin, which takes the excess sugar from the bloodstream and brings it to our cells. Eating oatmeal on an empty stomach magnifies the need for insulin. Starting your day with a meal that is lower in carbs and higher in protein and fat can help stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce skin tags.


Fruit juice, whether store-bought or homemade, can also contribute to skin tags. Similar to dried fruit, fruit juice lacks fiber, which helps to slow down the spike in blood sugar. Without fiber, the blood sugar and insulin spike from fruit juice is even more significant. For example, one cup of orange juice contains roughly three oranges and 25 grams of sugar. To include fruit in your diet while reducing skin tags, it is recommended to eat whole fruit and opt for lower sugar options.

Whole Wheat Bread

Contrary to popular belief, whole wheat bread is not significantly better for you than white bread. While it does contain slightly more nutrients, reducing or skipping bread entirely is more beneficial. However, if you choose to eat whole wheat bread, it is important to pair it with fat and protein to slow down digestion and lower the blood sugar and insulin spike. By reducing insulin levels, you can also reduce the occurrence and size of skin tags.

Canola Oil

Canola oil, often marketed as a heart-healthy alternative for cooking, can contribute to inflammation and insulin resistance, which leads to skin tags. Canola oil and other vegetable oils are fragile and go rancid when exposed to heat, light, or oxygen. Consuming rancid oils causes inflammation in the body. Healthier options for cooking include coconut oil, tallow, ghee, olive oil, and avocado oil. These options are more stable at higher temperatures and less likely to oxidize and go rancid.


By avoiding or reducing the consumption of dried fruit, oatmeal, fruit juice, whole wheat bread, and canola oil, you can potentially reduce the occurrence and size of skin tags. It's important to make dietary changes that help stabilize blood sugar levels and lower insulin. Opting for whole foods, lower sugar options, and healthier cooking oils can contribute to healthier skin and overall well-being.

If you have experienced any improvements in your skin tags or have any questions or comments, feel free to share them below. Remember, making informed food choices can have a positive impact on your skin health.

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